Chris Morgan's Wildnotes

Pretty WILD! New 2 minute showreel of Chris Morgan’s work (crank the volume).

Beautiful places and amazing wildlife from all over the world over the last few years of my work in conservation and film. Thank you to Robert Mape and David Gold at DENIZEN for crafting this piece. And to Darcy Riggins-Schmidt and Andrew Logan for all their involvement. And to the many film sources – especially WNET/PBS Nature, and National Geographic, and all of the incredibly talented artists I work with. Chris.

2 thoughts on “Pretty WILD! New 2 minute showreel of Chris Morgan’s work (crank the volume).”

  1. I love this video… Chris I did not know you until last weekend. I have always
    loved Bears but I’m just now finding the time to watch and learn. I found 5
    of your documentaries and spent all last weekend with you! I hope you
    enjoyed it as much as I did. (-; I also had to have your book and WOW it is
    wonderful. So many nice beautiful, quality, pictures.
    After seeing this video I’m thinking you have a lot more shows I haven’t seen.
    I must check that out. I just wanted you to know I thoroughly enjoy your work!
    Jean Brewer

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